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How much of your current income will you need in retirement?

Probably one of the most important questions I get, or some variation, is how much income do I need at retirement and how much savings will I need to support that amount? You will hear a common rule of thumb of 70% of your current income. As with all rules of thumb, some are good [...]

2020-09-02T07:41:26-07:00August 31st, 2017|In Retirement, Pre-Retirement, Retirement Income|Comments Off on How much of your current income will you need in retirement?

How do you think long term when I’m already retired?

Remember retirement is an adventure, not a destination. That was the mantra I learned riding motorcycles years ago. We spend a lifetime working and investing to reach our retirement goals. Once we are retired, our investment strategy doesn’t stop. You may need to refocus but it’s not the endgame. You are now in a phase [...]

2020-09-02T07:41:40-07:00August 31st, 2017|In Retirement, Investing|Comments Off on How do you think long term when I’m already retired?

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